Den kendte amerikanske musiker David Rovics optrådte den 1. september 2016 med en støttekoncert for den anarkistiske bogcafé på Halmtorvet,
I superstemning tryllebandt han tilhørerne omkring bogcaféen og tilfældigt forbi-passerende med sine indprentende politiske songs.
- Autonom infoservice har lavet et kort interview med ham

- aut.info: Could you shortly introduce yourself ?
David: I'm a singer-songwriter,originally from the suburbs of New York City, currently residing in Portland, Oregon.
- Why did you decide to live your life as a revolutionary musician ?
David: A variety of factors led me down this road. One was being raised by musicians. Another was being exposed to sensibly radical social movements at an early age. Eventually the two influences came together.
- Where do you find your sources of inspiration ?
David: I mostly write songs about current and historical events. So the news is a big source of inspiration. Also people I meet and places I see in my travels.
What are your plans (and dreams) for your
future concerning music making ?
David: To keep on making a living at it. Beyond that, I try not to dream too much.
David Rovics på facebook & hjemmeside