Tyskland: International aktionsdag for det forbudte ’indymedia-linksunten’

Den 25. August 2017 forbød det tyske indenrigsministerium den venstreradikale internet platform indymedia-linksunten. På årsdagen for dette statslige forbud, vil der være protester i såvel Tyskland som i andre lande.

”Solidarisk imod forbud – på gaden den 25. August”, hedder det i et opråb, som pt. cirkulerer i de sociale medier på flere forskellige sprog. 

  • Læs opråbet på engelsk: "Angry Against Forbiddance – Actionday one year after the raids and ban of linksunten.indymedia.org "

Solidaritetsdemonstrationer i flere tyske byer med den forbudte medieplatform indymedia-linksunten. (Forstør ved at klikke på billedet):

Platformen indymedia-linksunten er blandt de første mål for den statslige repression i kølvandet af G20-protesterne i Hamburg, den 7./8. juli sidste år . Efter konfrontationerne på gaderne i Hamburg  begyndte medier, politi og politikere en veritabel hetzkampagne mod den udenomsparlamentariske venstrefløj. Det ramte også talrige projekter, der ikke havde noget at gøre med begivenhederne i Hamburg. 

Indymedia-linksunten blev forbudt i henhold til foreningslovgivningen. I øjeblikket er der omfattende efterforskninger igang imod venstrefløjsfolk i Freiburg, der beskyldes for medlemskab i eller støtte til en terroristisk forening jvnf. paragraf 129a. Som reaktion på dette var der demonstrationer i mange tyske byer. 

  • Få uger efter forbuddet mod Indymedia-linksunten gik 700 mennesker på gaden i protest i Freiburg:

* Se også: Anarchistische Gruppe Freiburg: Hands Off Indymedia! – Aufruf zur Solidaritätsdemonstration am 9. September 2017 in Freiburg 

  • Klapjagt på demonstranter på EU-plan

Den internationale solidaritetsdag skal formidle det budskab, at de kriminaliserede kammerater ikke står alene.

Derudover skal det manifestere protest mod restriktioner på nettet, „Censuren mod indymedia-linksunten er endnu et bekymrende skridt i retning af mindre frihed og mere kontrol. I hele Europa, senest set i Frankrig, skærpes censurlovene og politiet laver flere og flere internet ransagninger“ , hedder det i opråbet.

Der er  foretaget mere end 80 politi-razziaer i forskellige europæiske lande som led i eftersøgningen af formodentlige gerningskvinder og – mænd ifm. konfrontationerne i Hamburg, juli 2017. 


Her er opråbet på engelsk:

Angry Against Forbiddance – Actionday one year after the raids and ban of links-unten.indymedia.org

After the Hamburg Riots against G20-summit, the german state went for a new campaign against „the autonomous“. During the start of their repression-campaign in the summer of 2017, the ministry of interior put a ban on the leftwing radical media-platform linksunten.indymedia.org and ordered their subjects to search the social center KTS and several apartments in Freiburg on august 25th.

The webside is down since that day. Many lawsuits are currently on their ways against the ban – the state on it‘s side tries to determine a so called "criminal organization“ in our region. Linksunten was banned as a club on the base of german administrative law on associations.

The ban of Indymedia linksunten is a new and quite worrisome step towards less liberty and towards more control. All over Europe – France being the last current example – netsearch, police and censorship-laws are being passed or reinforced.

Indymedia linksunten, as a past tool of revolutionary social movements didn‘t dissapear without reactions and it‘s ideas will certainly survive. Several repressive hits following the summit quickly showed how important platforms of that quality are and how much the state doesn‘t want to let go any opportunity of vengeance.

After the ban, victims of the public searches as well as the ones of the more than 80 raids in germany and abroad were less able to refer on each other. The case shows that german speaking parts of Europe are not excluded from tightening laws in social networks and that the air is becomming thinner for autonomous media-politics.

The increase of repression against the left harmonizes well with rightwing and populist demands and should protect the capital from all of that "terror".                        With prohibitions, manhunt and international prose-cutions, repression got to another level of quality after the Hamburg-Summit.

Following the Hamburg-Riots of last summer, which were self-inflicted by the federal and local administration, emancipatory movements keep being conventionalized as "the Black Violence“ to legitimate the growth of police capacities. On the aniversary of the Freiburg-raids, we want to show that we will never shut up and that our solidarity ist stronger than their repression.

We call friends and comrades all over, to show solidarity against censorship and new liberticidial laws. Show with big, small, loud and silent actions that we won‘t take no more of it and find clear answers to their police-actions. 

  • Solidarity instead of prohibitions ! Take the Streets on August 25th ! DIY Against The State !

Kan læses i flere sprog hos Soligruppe "Unabhängige Medien Freiburg"




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